Welcome to Kruvelab Felipe and Marius (and welcome back Ellinor)

With spring slowly approaching in Stockholm, we are happy to welcome (back) some new (and not new) people to our group, namely Felipe, Marius and Ellinor.

Felipe, who is from Brazil, is currently taking the Excellence in Analytical Chemistry Master’s programme from University of Tartu, spending his first semester of the second year at Uppsala University. Now he is doing his MSc thesis with us during the spring semester, and has already been here for over a month now. His project is focused on the extraction and analysis of persistent organic pollutants present in peat. Through a non-target approach, the aim is to obtain a general chemical profile of atmospheric deposits. Additionally, he hopes to get some initial insight on the time distribution of pollutants through vertical profile analysis.

Marius is from Germany, where he obtained his PhD in supramolecular chemistry from Freie Universität Berlin, before coming to Stockholm for a postdoc at KTH. He will be with us for one year, helping us with measurement to expand internal spectral- and ionization efficiency libraries. He will also implement some workflows and standard operating procedures for the group.

We also want to take the opportunity to welcome Ellinor back for her MSc thesis (which she started already in November last year, but better late than never). Her research focuses on expanding toxicity prediction of endocrine-disrupting compounds to the GC-space, aiming to enhance feature prioritization during non-target screening (NTS). By leveraging two endpoints from the Tox21 dataset, she will develop separate machine learning models to predict endocrine disruption potential based on probabilistic SIRIUS fingerprints.