Tag Archives: post-doc

International Mass Spectrometry Conference 2024. Melbourne, Australia

Recently, I had the privilege to return to my home-city of Melbourne, Australia to attend the 2024 International Mass Spectrometry Conference. My session was chaired by Prof Emma Schymanski of the University of Luxembourg, and the keynote speaker was Prof Kevin Thomas of the University of Queensland. Kevin started the session with some brilliant take […]

Welcome to Kruvelab, Lena and Ida!

We’re excited to introduce Lena Aisch and Ida Rahu, our latest additions to the group. Lena recently joined us for her MSc thesis, focusing on interpretable machine learning for the detection of toxic chemicals in non-targeted LC/HRMS. Lena came to Sweden for the master’s programme in analytical chemistry at Stockholm University, and we are thrilled […]

Open position: post-doc in computational mass spectrometry

After the move to Stockholm University, my group is looking for new members. Currently, we have available a post-doc position. If you enjoy coding, are interested in machine learning and applying these tools to solve problems in mass spectrometry and you hold a PhD or are graduating soon, this is your chance! For more information […]