The summer is finishing at Stockholm but we have had very exciting research visitors in the last weeks and a lot of exchange of new ideas. In the last weeks, we have had Prof. Juliane Hollender from Eawag visit the Department of Environmental Science, SU. This gave space for discussions of research activities on toxicity […]
Author Archives: Anneli Kruve
Last week the ACS Spring meeting took place in New Orleans. From our group Anneli and Gordian participated with a talk and a poster, respectively. For both this was the first time to take part in an ACS meeting. ACS Spring meeting hosted about 10,000 participants with tens of sessions running in parallel and long working […]
From the 21st to the 23rd of January Amina and Anneli attended the 26th Norsk Kromatografisymposiet, where Amina also presented her most recent research on evaluating the limit of detection for non-target LC/HRMS. Norsk Symposium i Kromatografi (Norwegian Chromatography Symobosium) takes place every two years in the Sandefjord, which is about 1.5 h drive from […]
In the middle of October, a large part of our group had a chance to present and discuss our research in ICNTS 2023 in Erding, Germany. ICNTS, International Conference on Non-Target Screening for long, is a biannual conference focused on detecting, identifying, and characterizing unknown chemicals with high-resolution mass spectrometry and other techniques. The rather […]
From 27.-29. of September, I attended the Austrian Proteomics and Metabolomics Association (APMA) meeting in a breathtakingly beautiful Innsbruck, Tirol. The three days were filled with exciting talks on proteomics (my special focus was studies related to toxic effects) and different aspects of metabolomics (amino acids, xenobiotics, lipidomics). I was invited to give a keynote […]
Recently Amina Souihi in our group investigated the impact of mobile phase composition on the detection of various chemicals with non-target screening in wastewater. If you are using liquid chromatography (LC) coupled to mass spectrometry (MS) you have probably noticed that it is not equally easy to detect all chemicals. This arises from the fact […]
On my third try, I was finally able to participate in Pittcon last week. This year Pittcon took place in person in Philadelphia, US. I was lucky enough to present our recent works in two presentations, one on quantitative nontarget screening (NTS) and the other on toxicity prediction for unidentified chemicals. You can find my […]
As I am writing this, 2022 is approaching its last hours, and it is high time for a throwback to the year, my friends, and a bit of peaking into the upcoming 2023. 2022 was a very fruitful year for Kruvelab. Since I moved to Stockholm University in mid-2019 I have been building – with […]
In January a collaborative project on improving machine learning prediction accuracy for quantification in non-target screening started between our group and the group of Meelis Kull at the Institute of Computer Science at the University of Tartu kicked off. In the summertime, two PhD students, Louise Malm and Wei Chieh (Harry) Wang joined the project. […]
Last week of November I and Louise participated in a two-day NTS workshop on analytical techniques and implementation followed by a two-day NORMAN network‘s annual meeting in Odense, Denmark. NORMAN interlaboratory comparison of semi-quantification methods We presented the quantification strategies for the LC/HRMS nontarget screening together with a first glance at the results from the […]