Author Archives: Anneli Kruve

NORMAN interlaboratory comparison on semi-quantitative LC/HRMS

The difficulty in quantifying compounds in LC/ESI/HRMS arises from vastly different responsiveness of the compounds. At the same concentration, two compounds may yield very different signals due to the differences in the ionization efficiency of the compounds. The different responsiveness has made semi-quantitative non-targeted screening challenging. Still, research has been increasingly focussing on enabling the semi-quantification […]

Cyclic-IMS/HRMS installed in MassSLab at Stockholm University

In September a state-of-the-art cyclic-ion mobility high-resolution mass spectrometer (cyclic-IMS) will be installed in the MMK/ACES joint Mass Spectrometry Laboratory (“MassSLab”). This is the first cyclic-IMS in Sweden and one of the few in Europe. It is envisioned that this new instrument will open up exciting opportunities for novel experimentation while fostering new collaborations both […]

Emma and Louise graduating

Last Friday two talented BSc students, Emma Palm and Louise Malm, in our group, defended their BSc thesis. They both focussed on making the LC/ESI/HRMS quantitative for the non-targeted analysis where standard substances are either not available or even the structure is not unequivocally identified. The thesis project of Louise focussed on kicking off the […]

Quantification for non-targeted LC/MS screening without standard substances

Recently we have published a paper on advancement in predicting ionization efficiency in ESI and using this for estimating the concentration of pesticides in cereal samples without the need for analytical standards. In this paper, we explored the possibility to use machine learning for fast and accurate prediction of ionization efficiency. Previously we have carefully […]

MSForum in Vienna

Last week the 17th MassSpec forum took place in Vienna with two days full of exciting mass spec talks. The conference was open by Prof. Dr. Kevin Pagel who introduced the work of his group that has focussed on revealing the structure of sugar molecules in the gas phase. His group has made great use […]

Open position: post-doc in computational mass spectrometry

After the move to Stockholm University, my group is looking for new members. Currently, we have available a post-doc position. If you enjoy coding, are interested in machine learning and applying these tools to solve problems in mass spectrometry and you hold a PhD or are graduating soon, this is your chance! For more information […]

24. Norske Symposium i Kromatografi was a great success

From 5th until 7th or January, I was happy to participate at the 24th Norwegian Symposium on Chromatography as an invited speaker. It was a very good and successful start for the new science year: three days filled with exciting talks on emerging chromatography techniques and detection methods. Some of the most talks that I […]

Jaanus Liigand received first prize on the Estonian National Contest for University Students for his doctoral thesis

Last week Dr. Jaanus Liigand received the first prize on the Estonian National Contest for University Students for his doctoral thesis Standard substance-free quantification for LC/ESI/MS analysis based on the predicted ionization efficiencies. During his PhD studies, Jaanus investigated quantitatively the factors affecting the ionization efficiency of compounds in electrospray ionization. For that ionization efficiencies for […]

Towards safe up- and re-cycling of textile waste

The textile industry is one of the most polluting industries, at the same time, only 1% of the material is recycled. This causes not only a loss of valuable resources but also environmental impact through landfills. One of the main obstacles in textile recycling and upcycling is the quality of the source material. The quality of the […]