Tag Archives: machine learning

Guests in Stockholm!

The summer is finishing at Stockholm but we have had very exciting research visitors in the last weeks and a lot of exchange of new ideas. In the last weeks, we have had Prof. Juliane Hollender from Eawag visit the Department of Environmental Science, SU. This gave space for discussions of research activities on toxicity […]

9th Strasbourg Summer School in Chemoinformatics 2024

I was pleased to participate in the 9th Strasbourg Summer School in Chemoinformatics in Strasbourg, France, from June 24th to June 28th. It was an honor to be offered the opportunity to present my research, which currently focuses on evaluating the applicability of machine learning active learning workflow in environmental analytical chemistry. Facing vastly different […]

A warm welcome to our new group members Alice and Lucas

This week we want to welcome two new students to Kruvelab: Alice Kollmitz and Lucas Ferrando Plo. Originally from Spain, Lucas recently finished his MSc degree in Germany. His objective was to elucidate the origin of anthraquinone residues in the leaves of English walnut tree (Juglans regia). In our group, he is the first of […]

Welcome to Kruvelab, Lena and Ida!

We’re excited to introduce Lena Aisch and Ida Rahu, our latest additions to the group. Lena recently joined us for her MSc thesis, focusing on interpretable machine learning for the detection of toxic chemicals in non-targeted LC/HRMS. Lena came to Sweden for the master’s programme in analytical chemistry at Stockholm University, and we are thrilled […]

Accelerate Conference 2023

Under the theme “A materially better future for everyone” the Acceleration Consortium hosted the Accelerate Conference 2023 in Toronto from 22nd to 25th of August. For me it was the first chance to meet people from the field of machine learning based material design in person after reading many papers over the last months. The […]

Open position: post-doc in computational mass spectrometry

After the move to Stockholm University, my group is looking for new members. Currently, we have available a post-doc position. If you enjoy coding, are interested in machine learning and applying these tools to solve problems in mass spectrometry and you hold a PhD or are graduating soon, this is your chance! For more information […]