Tag Archives: conference

International Mass Spectrometry Conference 2024. Melbourne, Australia

Recently, I had the privilege to return to my home-city of Melbourne, Australia to attend the 2024 International Mass Spectrometry Conference. My session was chaired by Prof Emma Schymanski of the University of Luxembourg, and the keynote speaker was Prof Kevin Thomas of the University of Queensland. Kevin started the session with some brilliant take […]

9th Strasbourg Summer School in Chemoinformatics 2024

I was pleased to participate in the 9th Strasbourg Summer School in Chemoinformatics in Strasbourg, France, from June 24th to June 28th. It was an honor to be offered the opportunity to present my research, which currently focuses on evaluating the applicability of machine learning active learning workflow in environmental analytical chemistry. Facing vastly different […]

SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting

Last week I had the pleasure to present at SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting conference in the beautiful city of Sevilla. There, I shared insights of the possibility of using endocrine activity labeled molecular networking for non-target data evaluation.  It was an amazing experience attending interesting talks, meeting many people who are excited about their work, and […]

26. Norsk Symposium i Kromatografi

From the 21st to the 23rd of January Amina and Anneli attended the 26th Norsk Kromatografisymposiet, where Amina also presented her most recent research on evaluating the limit of detection for non-target LC/HRMS. Norsk Symposium i Kromatografi (Norwegian Chromatography Symobosium) takes place every two years in the Sandefjord, which is about 1.5 h drive from […]

ICNTS 2023 in Erding, Germany

In the middle of October, a large part of our group had a chance to present and discuss our research in ICNTS 2023 in Erding, Germany. ICNTS, International Conference on Non-Target Screening for long, is a biannual conference focused on detecting, identifying, and characterizing unknown chemicals with high-resolution mass spectrometry and other techniques. The rather […]

NorthTox 2023

This April, the first–ever conference for Nordic toxicologists – NorthTox was held to create and strengthen the toxicology community and encourage interactions and collaborations between people with similar research aims. The conference focused on the current situation and challenges of ecotoxicology while introducing new strategies for dealing with the issues to create a sustainable society.  […]

Pittcon 2023

On my third try, I was finally able to participate in Pittcon last week. This year Pittcon took place in person in Philadelphia, US. I was lucky enough to present our recent works in two presentations, one on quantitative nontarget screening (NTS) and the other on toxicity prediction for unidentified chemicals. You can find my […]

NTS workshop and NORMAN General Assembly in

Last week of November I and Louise participated in a two-day NTS workshop on analytical techniques and implementation followed by a two-day NORMAN network‘s annual meeting in Odense, Denmark. NORMAN interlaboratory comparison of semi-quantification methods We presented the quantification strategies for the LC/HRMS nontarget screening together with a first glance at the results from the […]

International Mass Spectrometry Conference 2022 in Maastricht, The Neatherlands

Last week Amina, Pilleriin, and I participated in the International Mass Spectrometry conference 2022 in Maastricht, The Netherlands. With more than 1300 participants IMSC was the first big mass spec conference in Europe after covid and a special feeling of enthusiasm was in the air. We kicked off on Monday morning with a session on […]

Nontarget Analysis for Environmental Risk Assessment SETAC Focused Topic Meeting

Recently, I attended my first in-person conference, the Nontarget Analysis for Environmental Risk Assessment SETAC Focused Topic Meeting. It was held in Durham, NC, USA from May 22 -26 2022, and it was a very intense week filled with interesting talks, posters, and meetings with other scientists. It was very nice to put a face […]