Tag Archives: NORMAN network

Guests in Stockholm!

The summer is finishing at Stockholm but we have had very exciting research visitors in the last weeks and a lot of exchange of new ideas. In the last weeks, we have had Prof. Juliane Hollender from Eawag visit the Department of Environmental Science, SU. This gave space for discussions of research activities on toxicity […]

NTS workshop and NORMAN General Assembly in

Last week of November I and Louise participated in a two-day NTS workshop on analytical techniques and implementation followed by a two-day NORMAN network‘s annual meeting in Odense, Denmark. NORMAN interlaboratory comparison of semi-quantification methods We presented the quantification strategies for the LC/HRMS nontarget screening together with a first glance at the results from the […]

Nontarget Analysis for Environmental Risk Assessment SETAC Focused Topic Meeting

Recently, I attended my first in-person conference, the Nontarget Analysis for Environmental Risk Assessment SETAC Focused Topic Meeting. It was held in Durham, NC, USA from May 22 -26 2022, and it was a very intense week filled with interesting talks, posters, and meetings with other scientists. It was very nice to put a face […]

NORMAN interlaboratory comparison on semi-quantitative LC/HRMS

The difficulty in quantifying compounds in LC/ESI/HRMS arises from vastly different responsiveness of the compounds. At the same concentration, two compounds may yield very different signals due to the differences in the ionization efficiency of the compounds. The different responsiveness has made semi-quantitative non-targeted screening challenging. Still, research has been increasingly focussing on enabling the semi-quantification […]