NORMAN Workshop on Artificial Intelligence (AI) for environmental monitoring, assessment and prioritisation of chemicals and their mixtures
Leipzig, Germany: 21.-22.10.2024
Last week, Anneli, Harry, Henrik, Ida, Louise and Yvonne attended an AI workshop hosted by the Norman network at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Leipzig.
On the first day, researchers presented their work, highlighting the current applications of AI in environmental monitoring and offering insights into recent advancements. Anneli contributed an overview of the recent work in the group of risk-based prioritization of unidentified chemicals, quantification techniques, and uncertainty assessments within machine learning models. Day two focused on collaborative brainstorming around how to model toxic effects, databases, benchmarking standards, and model reporting practices, sparking fruitful discussions. These sessions highlighted the rapid development phase of AI in environmental analysis and underscored the need for close collaboration with machine learning experts to further progress in this area.
It was great reconnecting with former group members Drew, Lena, and Pilleriin and catching up on their current work and life, as well as connecting with many collaborators, both past and present.
A big thank you to the organizers from UFZ, UBA, and EAWAG for making it all possible.