From 1st to 6th of June, two PhD fellows Piia Liigand and I presented our recent results at 67th ASMS annual conference in Atlanta, USA.
The conference was kicked off with a plenary lecture by Prof. Mark Z. Jacobson on the topic of “Transitioning the World Energy for All Purposes to Stable Electricity Powered by 100% Wind, Water, and Sunlight”. He introduced how global, country wise, neighbourhood and individual energy production and preservation are feasible based on 100% renewable energy. I found fascinating the example of Prof. Jacobson himself as he has built his own house that uses and produces 100% renewable energy needed for maintaining the house and charging his electric car.

The conference consisted of four days full of exciting talks which covered the fundamentals of mass spectrometry to application in diverse fields from cannabis analysis to proteomics. It was very encouraging to hear about the journey of Prof Dr Sarah Trimpin, this year Biemann medal awardee and her studies of very simple ionization techniques. I found exciting the results of a group from CSIRO, Australia. They applied mass spectrometry in food safety analysis, but even more fascinating was the genetically modified canola which can produce omega-3 fatty acids in large amounts to prevent overfishing to obtain omega-3-rich fish oil.
Piia presented her results on “Unifying ionization efficiencies: a quantitative comparison of diverse data sets and validation of prediction models” as a poster and there was a great interest in her topic and fruitful discussions about the findings retrievable from the unified datasets.
I presented the results on “Standard Substance Free Quantification of LC/ESI/MS on the Example of Pesticides in Cereal”. Although my poster was scheduled on the last day there was remarkable interest in our topic. Furthermore, future collaborations were arranged to test out our Quantem approach on datasets from different fields, metabolomics to the vaping industry.
The conference ended with the gala dinner in Georgia aquarium. The sea life, especially whale sharks and beluga whales, were astonishing. It was great to meet old friends and get to know new ones. We thank the ASMS team for a very nice conference in Atlanta and hope to meet next year in Houston at 68th ASMS annual conference. Additionally, we thank the Graduate School of Functional materials and technologies and Kristjan Jaak scholarship for travel costs.