Category Archives: Research


From the 4th to the 7th of March, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie held its annual meeting. This year, the conference took place in the picturesque old town of Göttingen, Germany. I was delighted to participate and present our recent work in a keynote talk titled “Detection and Identification of Toxic and High-Risk Chemicals with […]

PhD half-time seminars: Louise and Harry

Last Wednesday, on the 11th of December, Louise and Wei-Chieh (Harry) had their PhD half-time seminar presentations. The aim of the half-time seminar is to give an overview of the already done work but also to discuss the research planned for the second part of their PhD studies. Louise’s presentation was titled “Quantification Approaches for […]

34th International Symposium on Chromatography – ISC 2024

This week the 34th International Symposium on Chromatography (ISC 2024) took place in Liverpool. Anneli and Gordian went to check it out and share our most recent work on chromatography and beyond. Liverpool treated the researchers in chromatography with a nice, sometimes even sunny, weather and a fantastic gala dinner in the world fifth largest cathedrals. […]

Dr. Amina Souihi

Today, on the 4th of October 2024, Amina Souihi successfully defended her PhD thesis. The opponent was Michael Witting (TU München  and Helmholtz Zentrum München) and the committee    members were Åsa Emmer (KTH), Giorgio Tomasi (University of Copenhagen), and Magnus Åberg (Perkin Elmer). The discussion reveled around retention time predictions, complementarity of different NTS methods, and […]

Amina Souihi nailing her thesis

Today Amina Souihi, the first graduating PhD student from the Kruvelab at Stockholm University, nailed her thesis alongside a practice presentation in the department. In the last five years, Amina has been working on developing machine learning methods for improving the detection and identification of chemicals with liquid chromatography high-resolution mass spectrometry in non-target screening. […]

Guests in Stockholm!

The summer is finishing at Stockholm but we have had very exciting research visitors in the last weeks and a lot of exchange of new ideas. In the last weeks, we have had Prof. Juliane Hollender from Eawag visit the Department of Environmental Science, SU. This gave space for discussions of research activities on toxicity […]

A warm welcome to our new group members Alice and Lucas

This week we want to welcome two new students to Kruvelab: Alice Kollmitz and Lucas Ferrando Plo. Originally from Spain, Lucas recently finished his MSc degree in Germany. His objective was to elucidate the origin of anthraquinone residues in the leaves of English walnut tree (Juglans regia). In our group, he is the first of […]

WISE Dialogue 2024

On 14th/15th of March 2024 the WISE Dialogue conference took place in Göteborg in the Clarion Hotel Post, the old post office of the city. After the last conference in August 2023, the Wallenberg initiative Material Science for Sustainability again gathered material and analytical scientists from all over Sweden to initiate collaborations and exchange ideas. […]

Leopoldina Symposium on Molecular Machine Learning in Halle

Two weeks ago, very spontaneously, we traveled to Halle (Saale) in Germany to attend the Leopoldina Symposium on Molecular Machine Learning, held the from 4th to the 6th of March and hosted by the SPP 2363 of the German Science Society (DFG). The conference took place in the beautiful and historic building of the German […]