With spring slowly approaching in Stockholm, we are happy to welcome (back) some new (and not new) people to our group, namely Felipe, Marius and Ellinor. Felipe, who is from Brazil, is currently taking the Excellence in Analytical Chemistry Master’s programme from University of Tartu, spending his first semester of the second year at Uppsala […]
Category Archives: Welcome
We are very happy to welcome Anton Wällstedt and Kanthee Prathan (shown in the picture) who will be doing their BSc theses in our group this semester. Anton’s project revolves around chemicals that can potentially leach from food packaging to the food. More precisely, he will investigate how well MS2Quant can predict the ionization efficiency, […]
We’re happy to have Lisa join us for a two-month research stay, running until mid-December! With the support of Anneli, Harry, Helen, and Louise, Lisa will be diving into an exciting project: setting up novel, fully automated strategies for selecting surrogate internal standards. Lisa is currently pursuing her PhD at the University of Vienna in […]
New term, new people. Welcome Eliise, Iris, and Simon to the team! Eliise is from Estonia and will be doing her postdoc with us. Her project will focus on the analysis of lignin, a by-product of the paper industry that can be used for the production of novel biomaterials. The project combines the development of […]
This week we want to welcome two new students to Kruvelab: Alice Kollmitz and Lucas Ferrando Plo. Originally from Spain, Lucas recently finished his MSc degree in Germany. His objective was to elucidate the origin of anthraquinone residues in the leaves of English walnut tree (Juglans regia). In our group, he is the first of […]
Welcome Emma to Kruvelab! In the autumn, we were lucky to participate in an interlaboratory trial on non-target screening (NTS) with liquid chromatography high-resolution mass spectrometry (LC/HRMS) alongside other Swedish labs. We were able to test our ability to identify spiked chemicals in blind water samples as well as quantify the tentatively identified chemicals with […]
As we step into the new year, we warmly welcome both familiar and fresh faces to our group. Returning for a second time, we have Sam and Theodor, both of whom previously completed internships in our group and are now doing their BSc theses. Sam and Theodor will collaboratively be working on our very special […]