This week the 17th Nordic Mass Spectrometry conference was held in Espoo, Finland. With around 150 participants form nordic countries, the conference covered various different topics within the field of mass spectrometry. I presented some of the most recent results from our group in the field of quantitative suspect screening for pesticides and mycotoxins. Also, […]
Last week two of our PhD students, Piia Liigand and Jaanus Liigand, successfully defended their PhD theses. Both Piia and Jaanus worked intensively and successfully on understanding the ionization process in electrospray ionization source (ESI) and applying this knowledge for quantifying compounds with LC/ESI/MS without standard substances. Congratulations to the fresh doctors! Piia is continuing […]
We are happy to invite you to the lecture by Prof. Susan D. Richardson on the topic of “Emerging Contaminants: State of the Art and New Discoveries” taking place on the 14th of August 2019. Follow the event on Facebook. Emerging Contaminants Environmental research continues to expand beyond traditional, regulated contaminants to emerging contaminants, such as […]
Ionization efficiency of oligopeptides does depend on the chemical composition of the peptide. Longer oligopeptides generally obey higher ionization efficiency; however, for peptides containing more than seven amino acid the ionization efficiency values are relatively similar. Also, the ionization efficiency values of the amino acids can be used to estimate the ionization efficiency of a […]
Last Thursday the HPLC2019 meeting finished. The conference was this year held in Milano, Italy and incorporated more then 300 talks. I had a chance to give a keynote lecture on the quantification of metabolites from green tea with LC/MS without the need for standard substances. The main focus of the conference was on the […]
From 1st to 6th of June, two PhD fellows Piia Liigand and I presented our recent results at 67th ASMS annual conference in Atlanta, USA. The conference was kicked off with a plenary lecture by Prof. Mark Z. Jacobson on the topic of “Transitioning the World Energy for All Purposes to Stable Electricity Powered by […]
Last week from 20th to 21th of May Tartu hosted Eurachem yearly workshop with the topic of “Validation of targeted and non-targeted methods of analysis”. These two days were filled with exciting presentations, insightful discussions and joy of meeting new and old friends and collaboration partners. What is happening in the field of non-targeted analysis? Eurachem […]
Today our master’s student Mari Ojakivi submitted her thesis. She studied the reactions between 7 aldehydes and 4 nitrogen bases in charged droplets. For this, she built an in-house built electrospray system to generate the charged droplets. Mostly imines were observed as reaction products, but also amides were found in some reactions. For comparison, the same reactions […]
We have now gathered our knowledge from years of ESI mechanism research and bundled it with data science to provide you with the possibility to quantify analytes in LC/ESI/MS analysis without the use of standard substances. The availability of standard substances is one of the main limitations in LC/ESI/MS analysis, especially in the fields […]
At the end of last year, our group got very happy news from Estonian Research Council, we received the personal research funding team grant to investigate synthesis in charged droplets (project abbreviation SNT). This new and exciting project allowed us to widen our team. In addition to masters student Mari Ojakivi, already working on the topic, Andi […]