Tag Archives: ionization efficiency

Ionization efficiency of an oligopeptide can be predicted based on its amino acid composition

Ionization efficiency of oligopeptides does depend on the chemical composition of the peptide. Longer oligopeptides generally obey higher ionization efficiency; however, for peptides containing more than seven amino acid the ionization efficiency values are relatively similar. Also, the ionization efficiency values of the amino acids can be used to estimate the ionization efficiency of a […]

We presented standard substance free quantitation in HPLC2019

Last Thursday the HPLC2019 meeting finished. The conference was this year held in Milano, Italy and incorporated more then 300 talks. I had a chance to give a keynote lecture on the quantification of metabolites from green tea with LC/MS without the need for standard substances. The main focus of the conference was on the […]

67th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics

From 1st to 6th of June, two PhD fellows Piia Liigand and I presented our recent results at 67th ASMS annual conference in Atlanta, USA. The conference was kicked off with a plenary lecture by Prof. Mark Z. Jacobson on the topic of “Transitioning the World Energy for All Purposes to Stable Electricity Powered by […]

Eurachem 2019 in Tartu was a success

Last week from 20th to 21th of May Tartu hosted Eurachem yearly workshop with the topic of “Validation of targeted and non-targeted methods of analysis”. These two days were filled with exciting presentations, insightful discussions and joy of meeting new and old friends and collaboration partners. What is happening in the field of non-targeted analysis? Eurachem […]

Optimization of flow splitting and make‐up flow conditions in liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization mass spectrometry

Recently a study in Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry was published. In this study, we optimized the actual split ratio and make-up flow composition in LC/ESI/MS analysis to increase the signal in radio detector and enhance the sensitivity of electrospray ionization. High methanol content increases electrospray ionization efficiency We studied make-up flow composition with a […]

MSACL EU 5th Annual Congress & Exhibits in Salzburg

From the 9th to the 13th of September MSACL EU 2018 Annual Congress took place in the cosy city of Salzburg, Austria. This conference was designed to mass spectrometry audience mainly focusing on clinical applications.  I had the opportunity to participate in this inspiring conference. Moreover, I had the possibility to give a talk. I introduced our studies on […]

International Mass Spectrometry Conference 2018 in Florence, Italy

From 26 to 31 of August Florence hosted a vast majority of mass spectrometry scientist in the course of 22nd International Mass Spectrometry Conference. Among these were also our group members and we had a chance to present altogether 5 posters at the conference. Our posters can be found here. As is the case for […]

Prediction of ionization efficiencies in biological matrices

In the recent years, we have made significant progress in ionization efficiency studies. In our previous publications, we have shown that our approach can be applied in both electrospray positive and negative mode (we have recently also enabled comparing the logIE values measured in both ESI modes numerically), that our approach is transferable between different […]