Last week I had a chance to take part in the European Mass Spectrometry Conference that was hosted by DGMS (German Society for Mass Spectrometry) and SFSM (Frence Society for Mass Spectrometry). Below I share a few key ideas from this nice conference that took place in Saarbrücken over 5 days. The conference was opened […]
In this post I am going to talk about p-value. You can either watch the illustrative video or read my thoughts below. Enjoy! This week p-value made it to the Science news feed. The whole story started already in the middle of last year, when Bejamine and coworkers published in Nature Human Behaviuor a […]
Charged droplets occur everywhere in the world. They are created by the oceans (known as see spray aerosols), near waterfalls and in thunderstorm clouds. Such droplets are expected to play significant role in environmental processes. Similar droplets are also created in electrospray ionization (ESI) source. Mari Ojakivi joined our group three years ago to conduct […]
Last week there were two awesome analytical chemistry events in Tel Aviv. On Monday 23th of January there was an international workshop on validation of test methods, human errors and measurement uncertainty of results organized by Dr. Ilya Kuselman. In this event I had an amazing chance to present my experiences in the validation in […]
Recently my first single-authored paper became public. It concerns the solvent effect on electrospray ionization efficiency and matrix effect. As we have talked about ionization efficiency and its solvent effects also previously, let’s focus on matrix effects this time. As LC/ESI/MS is the tool for various fields in routine analyses (quality control over pesticides but also mycotoxins in the food we eat, drug monitoring […]
We are happily back from IMSC in Toronto and a very important celebration in our group has occurred! On the last day of August two PhD theses were defended in our group by Asko Laaniste and Hanno Evard. Asko wrote his thesis on ionization sources. Specifically focusing on the comparison of different sources for pesticides. […]
A small part of our group is going to International Mass Spectrometry Conference from 20th to 26th of August in Toront and present the latest results of our studies. The results are so hot that these are not yet available in the journals: M-T-053 pH effects on electrospray ionization efficiency Jaanus Liigand W-T-019 Ionization efficiency […]
Today the importance of environmental analyses has been generally accepted. However conventional environmental monitoring programs are somewhat limited in scope as these programs only search for compounds that have been previously found to exist in contaminated samples. These compounds make up only a fraction of compounds that may be present in target samples overall. In […]
Already in last spring when we were writing the tutorial review on LC/MS method validation, Ivo introduced us the idea of making a MOOC (massive open online course) on the same topic. By that time he had launched the first MOOC of our institute that has had hundreds of students so far, on such complex […]
In a recent semester, I have been involved in several training activities. The most important of these have been the training day for water analyses laboratories organized by EKUK and the practical aspects of working in the laboratory by TÜ Katsekoda. My lecture/seminar in the first training was about sample matrices as the source of […]