Last Tuesday Jon Sobus from EPA presented some of the findings from a recent paper Uncertainty estimation strategies for quantitative non-targeted analysis, where we were also happy to collaborate, on the BP4NTA online meeting. People from BP4NTA meetings have been reaching out with questions on ionization efficiency-based quantification. Some of these are often asked of us and I decided […]
Category Archives: Research
This is Yvonne, a second-year Master’s student in Analytical Chemistry. There are two things she cannot get enough of – hiking and gaining new knowledge. Yvonne has just started her Master’s thesis in which she is exploring the possibility of using deep learning for toxicity predictions. She is training an autoencoder to compress the HRMS […]
Last week Amina, Pilleriin, and I participated in the International Mass Spectrometry conference 2022 in Maastricht, The Netherlands. With more than 1300 participants IMSC was the first big mass spec conference in Europe after covid and a special feeling of enthusiasm was in the air. We kicked off on Monday morning with a session on […]
Retention time is a crucial information for structural elucidation of unknown chemicals in non-targeted analysis using liquid chromatography coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry via electrospray ionization (LC/ESI/HRMS). Most of the predictive models of retention time are developed in limited chromatographic conditions, mostly for reversed phase and HILIC mode and in acidic conditions. However, retention […]
Masoumeh Akhlaqi is a Master student in analytical chemistry at Stockholm University. For her Master’s thesis, she is using two-dimensional ion mobility to separated, distinguish or identify isomeric compounds, specifically isomeric pesticides in food samples. For this purpose, she is using cyclic ion mobility instrument coupled to liquid chromatography and Time-of-Flight mass analyzer.
Non-target analysis with LC/ESI/HRMS is increasingly used to detect thousands of chemicals in environmental samples. However, most of these chemicals are never confidently identified nor quantified. This in turn means that they are ignored in risk assessments. In our recent paper, we address this issue by modeling the response factor for chemicals without the need […]
Lisa is a second year Master’s student with a background in environmental chemistry. For her Master’s thesis, Lisa is working on the exciting field of non-targeted screening and developing a prioritization method for unidentified compounds in the MS spectra of real life samples. In order to give compounds priority ranks, she is using in-house built […]
Pauline Petitfour is an intern from Sigma-Clermont engineering school in Clermont-Ferrand (France). She is studying organic and analytical chemistry and she is joining our group for four months internship. She will evaluate and model the extraction efficiency for most common solid phase extraction workflows used in non-targeted screening. Bienvenue Pauline!
After spending six months in South-Korea as an exchange student and finishing her Master’s degree from University of Tartu, Helen Sepman is back in our group. Helen was part of Kruvelab in Stockholm University in October 2020-January 2021, when she studied protomer formation of caffeine metabolites with cyclic-IMS as an intern. She was one of […]
Emma Palm and Louise Malm started their master thesis in our group. Emma and Louise are master students in analytical chemistry at Stockholm University and they did their bachelor’s thesis in our group. Emma Palm will work with cyclic ion mobility for the identification of isomeric compounds based on the collision cross-section. This will […]