In a bit less than a year an international conference EcoBalt will be held in Tartu. The conference will last for 4 days 9.-12.October 2016. This is the first time EcoBalt will be held in Estonia, though it has taken place in Baltics for more than 15 years now. The conference is organized by University […]
Category Archives: Research
Yesterday for the first time I saw a catalogue of a famous company producing and selling cooking accessories. And I soon become puzzled. A lot of people fancy these products lately, however everything they produce is made out of plastic. My family and some of my closest friends are well aware that I have never […]
Yesterday I submitted my proposal for becoming a Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellow. So if everything goes as hoped I will be collaborating with Prof. Christoph Schalley group in Free University of Berlin from the next schoolyear. My project there will be about supramolecular chemistry, more precisely on rotaxanes and molecular machines based on rotaxanes. It will introduce […]
Last week I had a change to visit a brand new Polli laboratory of the Estonian University of Life Sciences together with our student Elmo. The Polli lab is located in Southern-Estonia near Karksi-Nuia and surrounded by breathtaking landscape with hills and lakes. The Polli laboratory is unique in Estonia as it combines equipment suitable […]
Today I would like to introduce you to two books that I find very valuable and that can be freely downloaded from the internet. The “Five keys to successful LC methods” and “Controlling selectivity in reversed-phase LC” are collections of articles published in LC/GC in the section “LC Troubleshooting” by John W. Dolan. It’s useful […]
In my statistics course, similarly to I guess all other teachers concerned in calibration, I teach that for instrumental analyses weighted linear regression should be used. Why? Non-weighted linear regression (the one we can use with LINEST, SLOPE and INTERCEPT in excel) assumes same signal precision (repeatability standard deviation in other words) for all concentrations […]
I started writing this blog to share with you some fascinating stuff I come across every once in a while. I try to cover not only the research of me and my co-workers but also other fabulous scientific papers. Also I give some practical tips concerning statistics, optimization of analytical methods (especially LC and MS) […]