Tag Archives: massspectrometry


From the 4th to the 7th of March, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie held its annual meeting. This year, the conference took place in the picturesque old town of Göttingen, Germany. I was delighted to participate and present our recent work in a keynote talk titled “Detection and Identification of Toxic and High-Risk Chemicals with […]

Amina Souihi nailing her thesis

Today Amina Souihi, the first graduating PhD student from the Kruvelab at Stockholm University, nailed her thesis alongside a practice presentation in the department. In the last five years, Amina has been working on developing machine learning methods for improving the detection and identification of chemicals with liquid chromatography high-resolution mass spectrometry in non-target screening. […]

International Mass Spectrometry Conference 2024. Melbourne, Australia

Recently, I had the privilege to return to my home-city of Melbourne, Australia to attend the 2024 International Mass Spectrometry Conference. My session was chaired by Prof Emma Schymanski of the University of Luxembourg, and the keynote speaker was Prof Kevin Thomas of the University of Queensland. Kevin started the session with some brilliant take […]

Guests in Stockholm!

The summer is finishing at Stockholm but we have had very exciting research visitors in the last weeks and a lot of exchange of new ideas. In the last weeks, we have had Prof. Juliane Hollender from Eawag visit the Department of Environmental Science, SU. This gave space for discussions of research activities on toxicity […]

Quantification and its accuracy in nontarget screening

Last Tuesday Jon Sobus from EPA presented some of the findings from a recent paper Uncertainty estimation strategies for quantitative non-targeted analysis, where we were also happy to collaborate, on the BP4NTA online meeting. People from BP4NTA meetings have been reaching out with questions on ionization efficiency-based quantification. Some of these are often asked of us and I decided […]

International Mass Spectrometry Conference 2022 in Maastricht, The Neatherlands

Last week Amina, Pilleriin, and I participated in the International Mass Spectrometry conference 2022 in Maastricht, The Netherlands. With more than 1300 participants IMSC was the first big mass spec conference in Europe after covid and a special feeling of enthusiasm was in the air. We kicked off on Monday morning with a session on […]

Nontarget Analysis for Environmental Risk Assessment SETAC Focused Topic Meeting

Recently, I attended my first in-person conference, the Nontarget Analysis for Environmental Risk Assessment SETAC Focused Topic Meeting. It was held in Durham, NC, USA from May 22 -26 2022, and it was a very intense week filled with interesting talks, posters, and meetings with other scientists. It was very nice to put a face […]

What is the potential risk of the compounds detected in water samples? Combining concentration and toxicity

How do you know which of the compounds detected in suspect or non-targeted screening is most likely to cause an adverse effect? Which is most toxic? Which is present in the highest concentration? Which is having a concentration close to a toxic endpoint? This is exactly what we are answering in our latest research in […]

Benchmarking of the quantification approaches for the non-targeted screening

Non-targeted screening with liquid chromatography-electrospray high-resolution mass spectrometry (LC/ESI/HRMS) is revealing hundred to thousands of contaminants in the water. We have recently proposed a way to quantify these contaminants based on the estimated LC/ESI/HRMS ionization efficiencies. But how to know how well such tools are performing? Well, we need to compare with classical methods that are […]

NORMAN interlaboratory comparison on semi-quantitative LC/HRMS

The difficulty in quantifying compounds in LC/ESI/HRMS arises from vastly different responsiveness of the compounds. At the same concentration, two compounds may yield very different signals due to the differences in the ionization efficiency of the compounds. The different responsiveness has made semi-quantitative non-targeted screening challenging. Still, research has been increasingly focussing on enabling the semi-quantification […]