Non-targeted screening is helping us to discover the complex chemical space of environmental samples. Due to the large number of detected chemicals, prioritization is necessary to direct focus on chemicals posing a risk to biota and humans. Commonly, key information for risk assessment is the exposure to the respective chemical. Unfortunately, the detected signal intensity is poorly […]
Category Archives: Research
Recently Amina Souihi in our group investigated the impact of mobile phase composition on the detection of various chemicals with non-target screening in wastewater. If you are using liquid chromatography (LC) coupled to mass spectrometry (MS) you have probably noticed that it is not equally easy to detect all chemicals. This arises from the fact […]
It is a shame that Drew first arrived in Sweden in January last year when the weather was awful – it was raining everything it could possibly rain and everyone was so busy discussing the weather conditions that they forgot to write a welcome post for Drew (it is important to note that Drew himself […]
We are happy to share that our team is growing even more! Two new students joined our group. Lucia is a Master’s student in chemistry and has joined our group as an intern for this semester. Together with Yvonne, they are using their non-artificial neural networks to develop an artificial neural network that could be […]
This month we were able to welcome our new post-doc Henrik to our group. Recently, Henrik successfully defended his PhD thesis about noncovalent interactions to construct supramolecular switches at Freie Universität Berlin. Here, his work will focus on the design of sustainable derivatization reagents for pesticide detection with LC/HRMS. A machine learning algorithm will be […]
On my third try, I was finally able to participate in Pittcon last week. This year Pittcon took place in person in Philadelphia, US. I was lucky enough to present our recent works in two presentations, one on quantitative nontarget screening (NTS) and the other on toxicity prediction for unidentified chemicals. You can find my […]
We have two new students doing their diploma work in our group: Gordian Sandberg and Yuki Ishikawa. Gordian started an eight-week internship in January and has recently decided to prolong his stay to turn his project into a MSc thesis. He is aiming to improve the prediction accuracy of retention times in non-target LC/HRMS using […]
From January to April Drew is doing an internship at the University of Copenhagen at the Group of Jan H. Christensen. During these months he tests applying desorption electro spray ionization (DESI) as a direct way of monitoring emerging contaminants in textiles in non-targeted analysis.
As I am writing this, 2022 is approaching its last hours, and it is high time for a throwback to the year, my friends, and a bit of peaking into the upcoming 2023. 2022 was a very fruitful year for Kruvelab. Since I moved to Stockholm University in mid-2019 I have been building – with […]
In January a collaborative project on improving machine learning prediction accuracy for quantification in non-target screening started between our group and the group of Meelis Kull at the Institute of Computer Science at the University of Tartu kicked off. In the summertime, two PhD students, Louise Malm and Wei Chieh (Harry) Wang joined the project. […]